Tenant screening made simple

Access verified income and employment data on 100% of prospective tenants—instantly
Lincoln Property CompanyApproveQuextBungalowVeroLandingCeleri

A modern solution for your team

Verify prospective tenants instantly.

Reduce fraud with digital paystubs

With fake and Al-generated paystubs on the rise, it’s more important than ever to make decisions on legitimate data.

  • Reduce risk of fraudulent paystubs by accessing direct source data.

  • Eliminate high risk manual verifications from your team’s workflow.

Automate all income verifications with a single solution

Eliminate manual workflows with Argyle’s document upload and OCR capabilities.

Speed up application time

Reduce turnaround times for new applicants with instant automated income and employment verifications.

Get started out of the box

Start using Argyle’s online portal for a lighter lift—or embed our easy-to-use API into your workflow.

Do more with Argyle

Broader coverage


of the U.S. workforce

Greater savings


lower verification costs

Superior conversions


higher hit rates

Deeper insights


granular data fields

Reach out to our team