How Prosperi-Key use Argyle to connect users to income-based support services
Prosperi-Key, a subsidiary of United Way of Western Connecticut and United Way partner, links striving-but-struggling households with resources that help them stretch their dollar, save valuable time, and work toward financial stability. To qualify users for services and provide them with the best experience possible, it needs a secure, easy-to-use employment and income verification solution that’s inclusive of gig economy workers. Argyle checked all of those boxes.

Instant access
With Argyle, income and employment verification happen instantly and in real-time, affording Prosperi-Key users immediate access to potentially life-changing benefits.
Comprehensive income stream aggregation
Argyle brings together employment data from multiple income sources and accommodates non-traditional employment, including gig and contract work, better than any other provider, ensuring that a critical subset of Prosperi-Key’s user base isn’t shut out from services.
Reduced friction
Argyle saves Prosperi-Key users from the hassles of manual entry, improving conversion and putting valuable minutes back into the hands of a time-crunched community.
The background
A vulnerable community
Prosperi-Key is a nonprofit, online marketplace tailored specifically to ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) individuals—that is, members of the 51 million U.S. households whose jobs pay more than the federal poverty limit (disqualifying them from receiving government benefits) but too little to make ends meet. ALICE individuals often hold multiple jobs that don’t pay the bills to support their families and take care of loved ones.
Aggregated access
Because of the precarious financial situation ALICE households are in, even one small setback or unplanned expense has the potential to exacerbate financial struggles. Prosperi-Key is a solution designed to help. By connecting ALICE individuals with comprehensive support services, discount goods and products, and financial and occupational resources tailored to their location, living situation, and other circumstantial factors, Prosperi-Key is making it easier for them to access the tools and opportunities they need to protect their financial well-being and make their life easier.

The problem
Income-based eligibility
For Prosperi-Key to achieve its mission, it needed a fast, easy-to-use verification of income and employment (VoIE) solution to ensure users meet the ALICE eligibility criteria. That means confirming users:
Are employed, and
Earn more than the federal poverty limit but less than the minimum household budget threshold, which the United Way calculates for every county in the U.S. based on the local cost of living
Gig workers included
Prosperi-Key needed to find a secure and simple-to-use, but also highly granular employment and income verification solution that could be easily integrated into its marketplace. At the same time, Prosperi-Key needed to be able to verify not just users in traditional occupations but also those who have multiple income streams and work in the gig economy—a large and growing segment of the ALICE population.

The solution
Data made easy
Thanks to our vast data network, which covers more than 90 million U.S. workers and supports nearly 300 employer, payroll, and gig platforms, coupled with our market-leading ability to retrieve and standardize up to 140 fields of employment data, Prosperi-Key quickly landed on Argyle as their solution of choice.
“Argyle is critical to our mission, because it helps us make sure that we’re impacting our target demographic. We need to be able to match every user’s zip code to a particular income threshold, and that requires the sophisticated aggregation technology and robust, real-time income data, inclusive of the gig economy, that only Argyle can provide.“