argyle api

Clean, harmonized, and exceedingly insightful

The most robust and comprehensive payroll connectivity API on the market.

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Granular datasets

Understand more about consumers’ income and employment than the competition.

Standardized reports

Access the same, clear data format for any source, whether it’s Uber, Walmart, or Suzy’s Cupcakes.

Real-time visibility

Leverage the most up-to-date version of consumers’ income and employment profile.

Instant webhook alerts

Get notified of any significant change to consumers’ income or employment status.

Modern RESTful API

Enjoy a simple, straightforward integration with the latest and most widely used API convention.

“We are always looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible for faster, fairer background checks. In this sense, Argyle is critical to our infrastructure—and we’re only getting started.”

Daniel Yanisse

Co-Founder & CEO, Checkr

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Explore the rest of the Argyle toolkit

The Argyle API is just one of five tools that work together to power Argyle’s suite of consumer finance solutions.

POS integrations-min
LOS integrations-min
Argyle Console
The Argyle API

Ready to see what Argyle can do for you?

Get in touch to learn more about our verification solutions for the mortgage, personal lending, background check, and tenant screening industries, and more.

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