Argyle Console

The enterprise-grade, web-based tool to test, launch, and manage your payroll connectivity experience

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Try our powerful platform. Explore our coverage and data fields, and learn how to connect customer accounts in a secure, simulated environment.

Go to market with ease. Invite your customers to connect via magic link for a no-code option, or get your API keys and start building.

Optimize for your business. Customize Argyle Link to fit your brand and experiment with workflow placement to maximize conversions.

Using Console is easy

Connect your first customers and access income and employment data with just a few clicks.

Explore Console’s powerful functionality

“Competition is fierce among banks and credit unions. You have to differentiate yourself, and one of the key indicators is speed. Argyle’s cutting-edge technology allows us to improve our turnaround times, so we can close faster, with a better borrower experience, and with fewer gaps late in the process.”

Eric Schlagheck

Director of Mortgage Processing, Lake Michigan Credit Union

Case study

A centralized dashboard for all your payroll connections

Monitor your account connectivity status over time, and dive deep into your conversion statistics with our comprehensive, easy-to-use dashboard.

Learn more
  • Activity
  • Conversion

Check out our toolbox. Console is just one of three tools that work together to power Argyle’s full suite of consumer finance solutions.

Console. Log in to view data and invite consumers

Try Console for free