
Capture how users interact with Link.


You can track user behavior in Link by including the onUIEvent callback in your Link initialization.

The onUIEvent callback is triggered for specific UI events in Link, and although optional, including this callback can help with troubleshooting as well as optimizing conversion rates.

Callbacks are not designed to be a primary source of analytics information. For detailed metrics on step-by-step conversion success rates, visit the Conversion area of Console's Dashboard or contact your customer success manager.

Callback format#

Add the line below to your Link initialization:

1onUIEvent: (payload) => console.log('onUIEvent', payload),

Callback payload#

The onUIEvent callback returns:

  1. The name of the UI-related Event that triggered the callback.
  2. A properties object, which can include:
    • deepLink (always) — Whether the user was directly connected to the Item.
    • userId (always) — ID of the user.
    • accountId (conditional) — ID of the user's account.
    • itemId (conditional) — ID of the relevant Item.
    • Event-specific properties (conditional) — See Events below.


1UIEvent (
2    "name": "mfa - opened",
3    "properties": {
4        "deepLink": false,
5        "userId": "019ac324-91b5-2e5b-dc96-c931e25da1e2",
6        "itemId": "item_123456789",
7        "type": "Login",
8        "mfaType": "sms_code"
9    }


Intro screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
intro - openedThe user opened the intro screen.none

Search screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
search - openedThe user opened the search screen.none
search - term updatedThe user entered a search term.term, tab
search - link item selectedThe user selected an Item from the search screen.term, tab

Property definitions:

  • term — The text entered in the search field.
  • tab — The tab that was open when the user entered a search term or selected an Item. Ignored for empty (or deleted) search terms. Possible values: Popular, Payroll providers, Employers

Login screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
login - openedThe user opened the login screen.errorCode, errorMessage
login - form submittedThe user submitted login credentials.none
login - login help clickedThe user selected "Login help".none

Property definitions:

  • errorCode — The account connection error relevant to the login screen that occurred. Possible values: auth_required, expired_credentials, invalid_auth, invalid_credentials, invalid_login_method, mfa_timeout
  • errorMessage — The account connection error message shown to the user.

MFA screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
mfa - openedThe user was routed through a multi-factor authentication (MFA) process.type, mfaType

Property definitions:

  • type — Whether MFA occurred during login or a deposit switch. Possible value: Login, DDS
  • mfaType — The type of MFA. Possible values: sms_code, email_code, secret_question, email_link_confirmation, otp_code, email_message_confirmation

Success screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
success - openedThe user entered the success screen after a successful account connection.none

Account status screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
account status - openedThe user opened the account status screen.none
account status - disconnectedThe user revoked access to an account.none

Direct deposit opened screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
dds settings - openedThe user opened the direct deposit settings screen.allocationType

Property definitions:

  • allocationType — Which type of pay allocation was shown to the user. Possible values: percent, amount, none

Allocation type selection screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
allocation type selection - openedThe user opened the allocation type selection screen.none

Direct deposit success screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
dds success - openedThe user entered the success screen after a successful deposit switch.none

Account error screen#

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
account error - openedThe user encountered an error while connecting an account.connectionStatus, connectionErrorCode, ddsStatus, ddsErrorCode

Property definitions:

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
error - openedThe user encountered an error while opening Link.errorType

Property definitions:

Occurs when the user closes Link from any screen.

Event NameEvent DescriptionEvent Specific Properties
link closedThe user closed Link.closeMethod

Property definitions:

  • closeMethod — How Link was closed.
    Possible values:
    • footer_button — Link was closed by the user selecting the Done (re-nameable) button on a final screen.
    • x — Link was closed by the user selecting [X] in the upper-left of the screen.
    • null — Link was closed programmatically via an Argyle SDK, or when the onCantFindItemClicked callback is used, or any other event that causes Link to close.
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